Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

February 15, 2015: Local New Year Gathering in Nagoya

What would be the case with the development of our body? Please take a look at this chart. The growth rate is at its highest in the first year after birth. When babies are born, they weigh around 3500 grams, which is not that big. But when they become one year old, they grow bigger and are able to walk while holding onto something. That is the first stage of development, the time when human growth is at its maximum.

When is the next high growth? Here you find a jump in a curve. It is around age 12, 13, or 14. So we see another growth spurt around primary school to junior high school in adolescence. We often see children who show a huge growth during the three years after going into junior high school from primary school. Haven’t you had the experience of your child or grandchild suddenly being more grown-up when you had not seen them for awhile? We call this a growth spurt during adolescence.

Like this, our body suddenly has a growth spurt when it is ready.
What I have just shown you is the growth of our body. Now, what do you think is the case with our inside, the growth of our heart and mind? There is a time when the same kind of spurt occurs with our heart too.

However, it is different from the growth of your body. The growth of the body is something that anyone experiences if they are born into this world and reach a certain age. However, not everyone can accomplish the growth of their heart. Also, the time when the spurt occurs depends on the person.

It is also possible to end one’s life without experiencing this spurt in their life time. Unfortunately, we have learnt that could be the case.

Now, everyone, when a growth spurt of the human heart takes place, making a sudden leap, that is when the power of our soul appears in this world.

Our soul is the foundation of our heart. It is the foundation of the energy of the heart, like the root of our heart. The soul is trapped, as a metaphor, inside a hard shell like a thick eggshell.

However, there is a time, in the middle of our life, when the world and our life call upon us.

“Soul, break the shell and come into this world.”
This is how the world and our life will call upon us.

GLA provides supports so that your souls can be born into this world. I consider it to be like a midwife for the soul to be born into this world.

February 15, 2015: Local New Year Gathering in Nagoya (Nagoya Congress Center)

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