Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

September 6, 2015: Youths’ Harvesting Seminar

Humans have the innate ability to be time travelers. The power to jumpto the past and the future is given to human souls.

Take a look around and think if you can come up with any living things other than human beings that can focus their consciousness to a time in the past and in the future. Most likely, only humans can do this. No, in fact, I believe that it is most definitely humans who have the nature as time travelers which no other living things can imitate.

What is important here is that even if we are a kind of time traveler, there is actually a limitation to that power. As time travelers, for example, we can return to a time in the past when we made a mistake. Going back to that time in the past, our hearts vividly recall that time’s atmosphere, but we cannot interfere in any way with that time in the past. Even if our feelings go back into the past, in reality, we cannot directly contact the time in the past and interact with the people around us at that time. Yes, that is right. Is it possible for us to interact with the situation that is taking place there and change that situation? No, we cannot. Thus, we cannot interfere with the occurrence that is happening at that time, even if we go back to the past, or imagine the future. Say you imagine that in the future dimension, you are a teacher teaching social studies class. You are thinking, “Since my current teacher is boring, I would make my classes be more like this or that.” Let’s say we imagine in this way. Even if we go to the future in the world of consciousness, we cannot interfere with it. Thus we can bring our own consciousness to the past and the future only as a bystander or an observer.
 Then, what becomes important is “where we can interfere.” Where can we, as time travelers, have an influence on the world and bring about change?

Today, this is what I would like everyone to understand. This is very important. Human beings are given the power as time travelers. However, the only time that human beings can interact with the situation, have an influence on those around us and on various people, and create change in reality is now, right now at this moment in time. There is no other time.

Right now, at this moment, this current point in time is when we can have an influence on the world. “Now” is the chance. Right now, at this time, we can make it happen. The Chaos that comes from the future is gradually getting closer to our Ju-Hatsu-Shiki (perception-response-result), our hearts. Right now when we meet the approaching occurrence, only at this moment in time, we are able to perform Ju-Hatsu-Shiki, involve our hearts, and produce various results and shapes. This is only allowed now, at this time, at this moment.

September 6, 2015: Youths’ Harvesting Seminar in the Prayer Hall in the GLA General Headquarters Building

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