Word of the Month by Keiko Takahashi
January 2015
Compass of the Times 130
Discovering the Theme
Keiko Takahashi
Theme of a New Year
Happy New Year! In greeting the new year of 2015, with what new year’s resolution are you beginning your steps for this year? Do you have a definite theme for this year in your mind?
Since it is a new year, there may be those who wish to take on themes that they have never challenged before. Or, there may be those who have completed work that they have been working on for a long time, experiencing a time of even greater fulfillment and readiness to step into the next level.
For those who are in such situations, please begin your year’s progress by creating the vision or blueprint you wish to realize in the scope of your new year’s theme as boldly and concretely as possible.
“Accumulated Problems” Show Us the Path to Take
However, on the other hand, there may be those who are heavyhearted due to problems carried over from the previous year. A difficult problem, which cannot be easily solved, looms over you. Accumulated problems make it impossible to proceed forward or retreat, leaving you at loss.… For those who are in such a situation, please try to think as follows:
Facing a problem means that it shows you where to go and what challenge to take on. It clearly shows you on what you should concentrate within the limited time of your life.
Whether You Have Discovered the True Problem
There is one thing that must be made certain. It is whether you have discovered the true problem. It is not necessarily self-evident.
When a problem occurs, we generally perceive its cause to be external. We tend to blame something other than ourselves: “It is that person’s fault” or “This is the problem.” When we do so, we cannot find the true problem.
Additionally, even if we are able to analyze the situation objectively, if we disconnect ourselves from it, it is as if we have not found the true problem. This is because the true problem always appears as something to which we can respond with our own initiative.
Individuals who seek the Study of the Soul, have the attitude of first accepting every problem as their own. In this sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are one step ahead of others.
The Power to Discover the True Theme
In recent years, the power to discover problems is becoming more recognized than the power to solve
them. For example, as I have mentioned earlier, if we overlook the true problem hidden within reality, it is obvious that we will never solve it no matter how hard we work on it. When solving any kind of problem, discovering the true problem is essential.
In scientific research, the importance of posing a question and the significance of setting a hypothesis are well known. Both Dr. Yukawa who predicted the existence of the meson and Einstein who set the new hypothesis on the relationship between time and space, in a sense were praised not because they proved these hypotheses, but because they raised such questions.
Furthermore, discovering the theme is especially important in the creation of a new reality.
No matter how wonderful an invention or how much like a dream a product is, they would not have been conceived in this world without someone who thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if such a thing existed?” Thus, it is
much more crucial to first come up with the idea rather than to have the technology to materialize that thought.
In society today, there has reportedly been an emergence of a “discontent purchasing business.” This is a business that buys people’s discontent and sells it to various types of industries. This shows how valuable it is to discover a problem or a theme.
In life, discovery of the true problem or true theme holds a crucial meaning. During the starting month of a new year, I would like you to take this time to discover your true theme.
Preliminary translation as of December 23, 2014
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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