Compass of the Times by Keiko Takahashi
April 2016
Compass of the Times 145
To Restart
Keiko Takahashi
Another Start – Uzuki (April)
April is traditionally called uzuki in Japan. This name is thought to originate from a contraction of “ u-no-hana- zuki” (month when the deutzia blossoms). If we trace back further, because of its hollow stems, the deutzia tree is called utsugi (empty tree), from which the first letter “u” was given to its flower to be called u-no-hana (flower of u").
In Japan, April is the season for new energies to arise, as schools, government offices, as well as many companies and organizations hold entrance ceremonies at the beginning of the new semester or new fiscal year.
When April arrives, we are naturally rejuvenated with fresh air, which helps us to face everyday with a fresh mind. In other words, April is the time of a new
beginning, in a different sense from January.
Season of Restart
We started the year 2016 with variety of aspirations, hopes, and goals. How are you living your aspirations and resolutions now after three months have passed?
Some may say, “I have been walking the path step by step with confidence. And, the path has become even clearer.”
Others may have begun to respond to new challenges that are necessary to accomplish aspirations or goals, which have become clearer as they live their lives with specific purpose. “My ability to work on Wisdom1 needs to be improved. So, I shall be conscious of it and train myself.” “I am not good at listening to others. I won’t be able to bring out the potential of other people this way.”
However, there may be also those who say, “The beginning was good, but as one or two months went by, being distracted by the flow of daily life, I was
no longer able to cherish my aspirations and hopes. My thoughts toward them have even begun to fade.”
For those who are in such stalemate and stagnation, April is an important opportunity to, once again, “restart.”
Again, return to your original purpose, and look into your aspirations, hopes, and goals. Make sure they are assuredly tied to your true heart. It is the time to examine the paths of the past, improve the ways that lead to progress, or try to add new approaches to doing things. It is the time to take chances to achieve those goals.
To Have an Option to Restart
This is not something that only applies to our aspiration and hopes of a new year.
When we set a goal or have a plan and try to execute it, the work may not necessarily proceed smoothly. Rather, in many cases, it may stagnate for various reasons, or face a dead end as obstacles emerge. Or, at first we may have pursued the idea enthusiastically, but over time our enthusiasm fades away.
If your aspiration, goal, or the theme you have chosen still remain important for you, I definitely want you to think to restart it.
Of course, when we bump into obstacles, we should avoid taking the easy way by abandoning what we are working on now and starting something new.
However, we tend to be bound by previous ways of doing things or past ways of life. It is not rare that the huge inertia of an established way controls us. When in such a condition, resetting and restarting has a major significance. Returning to the starting point of a project, confirming our original aspiration and purpose and restarting from zero can bring us great possibilities which are beyond our imagination.
The most important significance of restart is to regenerate our aspiration and will. At the root of every activity and all reality produced by human beings, are our will and aspiration.
“I want to create such a reality.” “If only we had such a
thing.” “If this could change in this way.” “I want to accomplish this no matter what.” When we regenerate such an aspiration or will, the circumstance that we aim for will emerge right there as concrete reality.
Editor’s notes
1 Wisdom (In-En-Kaho Wisdom) is invented by Keiko Takahashi, and it is a method to resolve various problems and to create a new future by the perspective (concept) of In-En-Kaho (Inner Self – Environmental Conditions – Result). In this method, we first draw problems to In (ourselves), and understand how In (ourselves) and En (environmental conditions) interact to produce Kaho (problems), and thereby grasp the energy that is flowing within such a negative cycle. Then, by changing In (ourselves) and En (partners, principles, and systems), the energy flow of negative cycle gradually stops, and the energy flow that produces positive cycle is potentiated. Thus we can establish a path for resolving a problem and creating a new result.
Preliminary translation as of March 6, 2016
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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Compass of the Times