Compass of the Times by Keiko Takahashi
May 2017
Compass of the Times 158
Transcending Inequalities
Keiko Takahashi
Our Lives Are Not Equal
This month, I would like to think about one example of the resolve that we must have as we lead our lives. That is, “Our lives are not equal to one another.”
As the three streams of influence which are the basic conditions of life in the Study of the Soul indicate, it is never the case that our lives are all exactly the same as one another, even when we share something in common. Each person’s life is different in many respects.
As it is obvious with just a little thought, our birth and
upbringing differs between us all. One person may be born to a
wealthy family, and another may be born and raised in poverty.
Many are raised by their parents, while others may have lost a
parent for some reason. There are also those who have to live
without having a bond with their parents. Such differences bring
immeasurable impact to our lives. In other words, our lives are
not equal to one another.
Is the Majority of Our Behavior and Abilities Genetically Determined?
In recent years, a scientific research field called behavioral
genetics has received much attention from the public. Research
in this field attempts to clarify, mainly by studying twins, how genetic factors contribute to differences and commonalities of
human behavior under specific environments and conditions.
The research conducted in each country has accumulated an
extensive quantity of data, revealing the magnitude of the effect
of genetics on our lives.
According to the report, approximately half of the abilities we
show as humans are determined by genetic factors. Among
these, more than 50% of personality and academic ability, and
more than 70% of intelligence is controlled by genetic factors.
Take for example identical twins who have the same genetic
profiles. If they are raised in different domestic environments,
there will be differences in the level of education as well as
their choice of university due to each household’s values and
interests in education. However, the difference in income, which
reflects one’s abilities, often is
quite small. These genetic effects on their income become more obvious along with their aging.
It has been known for a long time that our physical capacities
and talents are greatly influenced by genetic factors. We often
say that our physique, athletic abilities, and artistic talents are
passed down from our parents.
However, according to the results of behavioral genetics,
genetic effects are far more than that. They indicate that not
only abilities in music and athletics, but also more than 80%
of those in writing and mathematics are determined by genetic
The report tells us the following: Many school teachers keep
telling their students, “The capacity that you have is infinite, and you can draw it out by your efforts. So, try hard,” however, this is scientifically unreasonable.
How should we accept such arguments?
How Are We to Live with This as a Premise?— Understand That Inequality Is a Condition
The various types of differences surround our lives. Our birth and upbringing, as well as our innate talents and capacities, are not equally distributed between all people.
We can say that the
world is full of such inequalities. How are we to live with these?
Specifically, the influence of genetic factors I brought up this
month may present to us a harsh reality of inequalities as many
of our abilities are determined by what kind of genetic profiles
we have. The impact may be more decisive than many people
have imagined up to now.
Of course, we have to rectify these inequalities even if we can
only achieve a little and work toward actualizing a fair society to
the best of our ability.
However, I would like to believe that the essence and real joy of
life can only be found when we dare to live where inequalities
exist because the essence of our life from the perspective of the
Study of Soul is the challenge of the soul.
When we think in the dimension of the soul, every life begins
by accepting everything as a given condition to it. For instance
birth and upbringing in a wealthy family is a condition as well
as genetic factors that are expressed as superior capability.
Conversely, growing up in a poor or severe environment, or
having ordinary and not particularly outstanding genetic factors.
Our challenge is to accept such conditions and draw out
The system of taking on that challenge is given equally to
every person. Our life requires our resolve to accept that everything is a condition. We cannot create our future except by consecutive thoughts and actions that are based on such resolve.For many years, GLA has dedicated its efforts to the cultivation of the heart and mind.
Translator’s note
1 The Study of the Soul
It is the perspective that grasps our lives from the level of the soul, and refers to the system of the truth, the Divine Truth, that permeates every aspect of the human soul and the world. As opposed to the study of phenomena that is directed at the tangible world, the study of the soul is an investigation of all things, including the formless and intangible world.
(excerpted and summarized from page 3 of The Reason Why You Were Born as You)
2 Three Streams of Influence
It is conditions of life that all humans bear without exception: “family”
which symbolizes values and way of life flowing in from parents and
lineage; “place” which represents values and way of life, flowing in from country, land, region, industry, company, etc.; and “era” which indicates values and information flowing in from the times.
(excerpted and summarized from page 116 of the Japanese book,
Book for Solving the Equation of Destiny)
Excerpt Translation of G. Monthly Journal May 2017 issue
Preliminary translation as of May, 2017
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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