Compass of the Times by Keiko Takahashi
June 2019
Compass of the Times 183
Opening Up a Canal
Keiko Takahashi
A Canal That Can Rejuvenate Barrenness in Nature
The cultivation of barren and deserted lands in nature and plowing such rejuvenated fields can be described as the challenge that human beings have repeatedly taken on throughout history. In particular, the idea of creating a canal to irrigate paddy fields has been a great undertaking that has influenced the future of many people in multiple eras.
Let me give you an example of Japan during the Edo period. In a year of prolonged bad weather such as drought or floods, the crop yield dropped significantly and caused a problem in the paying of tax in the form of rice. Some of the poor feudal governments were immediately faced with financial difficulties. The powerless farmers were routinely left to bear the burden. Many villagers died from starvation and those who could not pay agricultural tax fled the village. Such tragedies were frequently repeated in those times.
One important attempt to solve this problem was the development of paddy fields. By creating canals and
drawing water from distant water sources, such as rivers and ponds, people were able to develop vast areas of land into paddy fields. When they succeeded in their irrigation projects and developed extensive paddy fields by dealing with a violent untamed nature, the yield of rice would drastically increase. It would not only improve the financial situation of feudal governments but would also stabilizefarmers’ lives. The core of the project to develop a paddy field is to open up a canal. It creates the path to draw forth the potential of the earth that was once dormant and crystallizes it in the form of nature’s blessings.
Barrenness of Mind without Order
Our mind also resembles barren and deserted lands in wild nature. If it is left untouched as we were born and raised, it resembles a deserted land with scattered rocks and stones. In such conditions, we can neither plant seeds nor grow crops. Even if we try to realize our wishes or goals, or to create something, it is unavoidable for us to face many difficulties. If left as is, it is impossible to draw forth hidden possibilities no matter how grand they are.
By removing buried rocks and stones from the ground one by one, and clearing bushes and pulling weeds, the land can be prepared so it is ready to be cultivated.
Our minds also require such a process of cultivation.
We do not know anything about our own minds if we have been
left untouched as we were born and raised. To begin with, we do
not even know that our mind exists, or even if we do, there is no
way of knowing how it works. Although some may have given
some thought about the mind, it will only be a few who are aware
of its function.
Most people will merely let the mind function as it pleases, not being aware of its every-day operations.
When a painful stimulus or an unpleasant incident comes to us, we become dispirited and tormented by anxieties and worries that drive down our energy. Conversely, when a comfortable stimulus or a pleasant incident comes to us, we become elated, driving up our energy. Depending on the type of stimulus that comes to us, our mind can change drastically, being swayed by the energy stirring within us. This is how humans are.
Canal of the Mind Creates Structure and Flow to Generate Destination
The Study of the Soul*1 is what brings order to the barren land of the mind. Order and structure create the flow and generate the canal that irrigates the mind. Furthermore, this path generates a destination to which we should exert our energy.
The function of the mind is difficult to comprehend. However, it can be grasped by Ju-Hatsu-Shiki*2; that is perception (immediate feeling and perception), response (thoughts and
action), and reality. Moreover, we can categorize our Ju-Hats-Shiki into four types of tendencies*3; namely, Pleasure-Recklessness, Pain-Recklessness, Pain-Lethargy, and Pleasure-Lethargy. This process enables us to clearly see the pathway to be taken that will enable us to be free from such tendencies.
“The true entity of human beings exist as a soul that possesses the soul’s aspiration*4 and karma*5. The soul meets flesh when we are born and takes on the three streams of influencesss*6, which is the condition of the world on earth. By so doing, we begin our life’s journey from the Cave of Karmic Destiny, through the path of Reversal of Destiny, and reach the Horizon of Mission*7.” The Study of the Soul gives us the power to see through such a path in life.
As a result, the order is brought forth to the energy flow that was once in a disordered state, and a canal is created that leads us to our destination. When this happens, we will not respond recklessly to stimuli that come from outside of us, but we will be able to accept them as given conditions and obtain the pathway that leads us to our destination. The canal of the mind leads us and brings forth the inherent power we possess in our minds.
As the Joint Seminar is scheduled to be held at Yatsugatake this month, I recommend you think again about the significance of pursuing the Study of the Soul and applying it to your daily life.
Editor's Notes
1. The Study of the Soul
The Study of the Soul is the system of theory and practice by which we unify the visible and the invisible dimensions as one, and seek for the way of life of humans. In contrast to the study of phenomena that is represented by science, the Study of the Soul tries to deal with comprehensively both the materialistic dimension and the dimension that surpasses it; the dimension of “mind” and “soul.” It is the principle discovered by my (Keiko Takahashi’s) own research on human beings and the life history of many people. It is expected to observe human beings with a holistic perspective of “soul-mind-reality,” and respond to all things and events.
(Quoted from How to Make Your Life the Best (p. 50) by Keiko Takahashi; available only in Japanese)
2. Ju-Hatsu-Shiki
Ju (perception) is to perceive events that occurred in reality (external world) into our mind (internal world). Hatsu (response) is to interact with the external world after perception. Shiki (reality) is a Buddhist term that refers to visible realities or the external world: incidents and events, including people. As long as we live, human beings continue to turn this cycle of Ju-Hatsu-Shiki and keep producing realities even if we are not aware of it. (Excerpted and summarized from pages 66-67 of The Glossary of the Divine Truth 2012; available only in Japanese)
3. Four Types of Tendencies : Soul Compass (Bonno Map)
Bonno is originally a Buddhist term, and it refers to all delusional thoughts that bother and aggravate people mentally and physically. The Soul Compass grasps them as tendencies in four types of Bonno that turn our life into darkness. The four types of Bonno are as follows:
Pain-Recklessness (victim type) that is symbolized by anger and discontent of human beings; Pleasure-Lethargy (complacent type) that is symbolized by laziness within humans and blind dependency on others; Pain-Lethargy (self-deprecating type) that is symbolized by fear and negative thoughts; and Pleasure-Recklessness (overconfident type) that is symbolized by greed and controlling others. (Excerpted and summarized from pp.105-107 of The Book to Solve Equations of Life by Keiko Takahashi; available only in Japanese)
4. Soul’s Aspiration
It is an aspiration of a soul that the soul wishes to accomplish no matter what, and is energy of light. It is the will that is hidden within a soul that is the Energy of Willthat has Wisdom , and can be called as the true entity of a soul. (Excerpted and summarized from p.144 of The Book to Solve Equations of Life by Keiko Takahashi; available only in Japanese)
5. Karma
It is distortions, immaturities, and weaknesses of a soul, and is a force that hinders the soul to live according to its aspiration. (Excerpted and summarized from p.65 of The Book to Solve Equations of Life by Keiko Takahashi; available only in Japanese)
6. Three Streams of Influence
Wherever we place ourselves, whether it be a community, a workplace, or an industry, there exist tacit premises, conventional wisdom, values, and a way of life. If we live our life there, without realizing it, we will become deeply imbued with the atmosphere of that place. I have called such, the three streams of influence (family, place, and era) that anyone inevitably will take on in life. Family refers to the values and way of life which flows from parents/family. Place refers to the customs and premises which flows from locality and industry. Era is the conventional wisdom, knowledge, and values which flows from the time and society in which we live. (Excerpted from p76 of How to Make Your Life the Best by Keiko Takahashi; available only in Japanese)
7. Cave of Karmic Destiny, Reversal of Destiny, and Horizon of Mission (Map of Life: Ninden-Keirin-Zu)
The Keirin of Ninden refers to the promise exchanged between humans and heaven. The Map of Life also represents the true aspect of human beings that was viewed from the perspective of the Great Existence, God. There, the path is shown, in which a soul that lives through eternal time through the past, present, and future develops and grows in this world through the three stages of: Cave of Karmic Destiny, Reversal of Destiny, and Horizon of Mission. In other words, once we are born into this world, everyone is engulfed by the Cave of Karmic Destiny by karma, that is the immaturity of the soul, and the three streams of influence (family, place, and era). However, if we continue to draw out the light from Chaos that comes to us every day and produce realities of light transformation, we can get out of the Cave of Karmic Destiny and accomplish the Reversal of Destiny. During such processes, the Establishment of the Self and the Harmony of the World will be brought forth, and anyone can head towards the Horizon of Mission in fulfilling one’s soul’s aspiration. (Excepted and summarized from BD/DVD/CD of Keiko Takahashi’s lectures from 2017 Gathering in Gratitude: The Life Perceived by the Perspective of God, and 2018 Zenyu Gathering: Map of Life, Proceeding on the 9 Stages of Enlightenment)
Excerpt Translation of G. Monthly Journal June 2019 issue
Preliminary translation as of June, 2019
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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