Compass of the Times by Keiko Takahashi
November 2018
Compass of the Times 176
Produce an Output
Keiko Takahashi
Inseparable Pairs of Concepts that Support Human Development and Evolution
The Study of the Soul1 has an aspect that represents the exploration of the potential of human beings. How can the inner potential of human beings be released? What kind of evolution can they accomplish? How can they live the mission entrusted to their lives, the purpose of the soul that each one of them has? The Study of the Soul aspires to search for the ways and methods that will answer these questions, and lead to ways in which human development and evolution may be advanced.
For this purpose, the framework of a system called theory (study) and practice provides a skeletal framework.
Theory (study) is a framework that considers how we perceive human beings, how we accept our lives, and how we think about the relationship between human beings and the world. When transformations occur in such fundamental perceptions, we can certainly take forward our evolution.
However, to truly allow a transformation to happen, it is essential to put theory into practice, which is the other key half of the framework.
In the past, I have written a long series of articles in GLA magazine entitled, “Understanding and Conduct.” What I considered in that article is exactly what I discuss now.
What becomes an inseparable pair of concepts that promote human development and evolution, is the understanding that allows the evolution of cognition, and conduct that transforms this understanding into reality. Only with understanding and conduct together can we human beings substantiate our development and evolution. The relation between theory (study) and practice is thus the axis that has existed since the establishment of the Study of the Soul.
Practice: Importance of Producing an Output
By studying a theory, we renew our cognition. Of course, theory includes parts that are related to methods of practice, and often directly provide specific ways of life and methods. However, as a whole, the core of learning and studying a theory lies in the evolution (deepening) of our cognition.
Referring to Ju-Hatsu-Shiki2 (Perception-Response-Result), studying a theory means to focus mainly on proper restoration and evolution of one’s perception. Indeed, having a renewed view has a decisive meaning.
In the terminology of the Study of the Soul, the function of perception or cognition is called Outside-In, which means movement of energy from our outer to our inner side. We receive and absorb. It is the input to our inside. The process of studying a theory is the essential step necessary to accumulate the Outside-In.
However, what is important is that in order to make such an accumulation effective in a real sense, we once more have to output externally what we have received and absorbed. To solidify the steps of Outside-In, we have to practice it in our lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that only through practice, what we have learned becomes our own for the first time.
In the Study of the Soul, this process is called Inside-Out. It means to output externally what is inside of us. By transmitting and outputting what we have inside of us, our understanding of theory will be defined with clearer outlines.
The cycle of Outside-In and Inside-Out is the very force that propels the process of our development and deepening.
Try to Focus on Inside-Out
You might have something that you have discovered, or have obtained new knowledge for the first time through the Study of the Soul. If that is so, it is important to express externally your wonder, revelation and the change in your cognition as your own.
Why not try to put it into practice in your lives what you have learned. Talk about the ideas and convey them to someone else. Try to focus on the process of Inside-Out.
Theoretically, if your cognition changes, your action should automatically change. However, in real life, it is not that simple because the unconscious behaviors of humans have great inertial force.
It is all the more reason why you should firrst take actions more than anything and express yourself externally. You should consider it important to try to produce output. Only with such a strong motivation will Outside-In and Inside-Out maintain balance and begin to circulate.
This month, would you try to think about reviewing the study and practice of the Study of the Soul from the perspective of Outside- In and Inside-Out?
Editor's Notes
1. The Study of the Soul
It is the perspective that grasps our lives from the dimension of the soul. It also refers to the system of the truth, the Divine Truth, that permeates every aspect of the human soul and the world. As opposed to the study of phenomena that is directed at the tangible world, the Study of the Soul is an investigation of all things, including the formless and intangible world (excerpted and summarized from page 3 of The Reason Why You Were Born as You).
2. Ju-Hatsu-Shiki
Ju (perception) is to perceive events that occurred in reality (external world) into our mind (internal world). Hatsu (response) is to interact with the external world after perception. Shiki (result, reality) is a Buddhist term that refers to visible realities or the external world: incidents and events, including people. As long as we live, human beings continue to turn this cycle of Ju-Hatsu-Shiki and keep producing realities even if we are not aware of it. (excerpted and summarized from pages 66-67 of The Glossary of the Divine Truth 2012; available only in Japanese)
Excerpt Translation of G. Monthly Journal November 2018 issue
Preliminary translation as of November, 2018
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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