Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

February 11, 2013: New Year Gathering in Nagoya (Nagoya Congress Center)

I would now like to distribute the Divine Truth Cards, on each one of which is printed one of the Twelve Bodaishin prayers.

Each Twelve Bodaishin prayer represents wisdom of a greater existence that had once given birth and looks over the world and the universe. For example, the Bodaishin that represents a heart like a mountain is a heart that never wavers. When faced with an ordeal, we lose composure, but when we are conscious of this Bodaishin, we can regain composure and squarely face and take on the situation.

Another example, when we are elated with joy, we are prone to compromise better judgment and be consumed in pleasure.  However, the Bodaishin of a heart like a mountain helps us to cultivate a composed mind to prevent this.

Next, the Bodaishin of a heart like the earth. The earth gives birth to many possibilities and in the same way, the Bodaishin of a heart like the earth helps us to nurture and realize our potential of hidden character.

Let us now consider the heart like the sun. The sun provides light and heat to the earth as well as to the solar system and the universe, giving us life.

The infinite energy of unconditional love that the sun gives to the animals, minerals and all that exists, symbolizes the Bodaishin of the heart of love.

There are twelve Bodaishin prayers in all and you will receive one of these. I hope that you will keep this close to your heart throughout the year.
If you truly grasp the meaning of the Bodaishin you receive, you can live without being washed adrift by the turbulent currents of these times.

Please remember that the Divine Truth Card will be a most dependable amulet to help you attain the wisdom in each Bodaishin.


New Year Gathering in Nagoya at Reception Hall, Nagoya Congress Center on February 11, 2013

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