New Year Gathering 2020

The beginning of the new year
Is the time to take a step forward.
Let us realize our vision
On a blank canvas and
Reset counters to zero
To begin anew.
Let us renew our aspirations and
Reestablish our goals
To bring all that is in the past
To a bright future.
We mark our steps on uncharted land
As we stand at a point where there is no path.
The beginning of the new year
Is the time to be reborn.
Keiko Takahashi
The New Year Gatheringis an event at which individuals
gather at the beginning of the year to re-examine their
aspirations; and Keiko Takahashi will provide a lecture
addressing the new year. In addition, Divine Truth cards,
inscribed with the 12 Bodaishin prayers composed by
Keiko Takahashi, will be offered to each participant to
serve as guideposts for the new year. Many attendants
from past gatherings have expressed that they always
receive cards appropriate for their situation at that time.
GLA is an organization led by Keiko Takahashi who has
developed the Study of the Soul, which enables anyone
to draw forth their inner power of the soul and true
human force – to overcome trials and problems to create
a new future. Members are given concrete
steps and support to apply their studies in their
lives to live with vitality and true happiness.
January 19th
January 26th
Yokohama* **
February 23rd
Los Angeles (video presentation)*
Atlanta (video presentation)*
March 1st
New York (video presentation)*San Francisco (video presentation)*
São Paulo / in Japanese (video presentation)
March 15th
Mirandópolis (video presentation)**** Portuguese translation is available