Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

March 7, 2013: Special Memorial Service in Tokyo at the Prayer Hall in the General Headquarter

There are billions of human beings in the world. Together with the deceased, there exist countless souls and their lives lived.

However, the number of people who know a certain person’s name, and know about his or her life and feelings is very limited. Just as you were connected to your mother’s life by the umbilical code through which you were nourished for birth, you and your relatives you know have a deep connection. I wish that is how you would feel about them.

That is why if you call out to each one of them from the bottom of your heart, your voice will ring in their souls just like a telephone line and help them recall their respective lives, looking back on both light and darkness. The force of discovery or the radiance of conscience will illuminate their lives and the events that took place around them that were invisible to them before. Each soul is given an awakening.

Those awakenings then become blessings in the other world so that their souls residing in the dark dimension are enlightened and become aware of their circumstances, while souls residing in the dimension of light are elevated to a higher dimension.

Now it is time for the last prayer. Please call your beloved to your side and have a soul-to-soul conversation.

            Spring Special Memorial Services held in Tokyo at the Prayer Hall in
the General Headquarter on March 7, 2013

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