Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

September 8, 2013: 20th Global GENESIS Project
(at Shibuya Public Hall)

Each individual’s life has been designed so that a unique aspiration manifests itself in reality. What do you think about this? The most important thing to note is that each aspiration is always associated with the conditions of each person’s life.

Just as aspirations vary from person to person, the difficulties that an individual bears in life also varies from person to person. Therefore, we possess a soul’s aspiration within us, as we face problems that obstruct the path before us – these are difficulties and trials of which we must confront and overcome. It is as if each individual’s life attracts the difficulties, problems, and trials that occur in it.

Our mind and consciousness obviously does not wish for them for everyone dislikes problems. Everyone feels that they would rather “escape trials if possible”.

However, from the dimension of the soul, they are perceived to be a unique set of problems that a specific person faces. It is as if his or her life attracts trials to appear specifically before them.


20th Global GENESIS Project on September 8, at Shibuya Public Hall

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