New Year Gathering 2016

The New Year Gathering is an event at which individuals gather at the beginning of the year to re-examine their aspirations; and Keiko Takahashi will provide a lecture addressing the new year. In addition, Divine Truth cards, inscribed with the Twelve Bodaishin prayers composed by Keiko Takahashi, will be offered to each participant to serve as guideposts for the New Year.
GLA aims to bring out the light of God within each person into this world. Each member studies and puts to practice the Study of the Soul as an individual, regardless of occupation and age.
January 17 -
Osaka Japan
Osaka International Convention Center
(Broadcast to Nagoya, Hokkaido, Kyushu)
03-5828-8426 (International Dept.)
January 24 -
Yokohama Japan
Pacifico Yokohama
(Broadcast to Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chugoku Shikoku)
03-5828-8426 (International Dept.)
February 28 -
Brazil, Australia, USA
São Paulo
At Matsubara Hotel
Em português: FoneFone (11) 2949-5354 (com Shimada)
Em japonês: Fone (11) 3360-1840 (com Muramatsu)
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At Hoshino's Place
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New York
At JAA Hall
718-359-6277 (Akulin)
At Japanese Embroidery Center
770-396-0511 (Tamura)
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San Francisco
At Crowne Plaze San Francisco Int'l Airport
415-387-9793 (Kato)
408-738-3633 (Ueki)
March 6- USA
Los Angeles
At New Gardena Hotel
818-893-3078 (Mochizuki)
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