New Year Gathering 2019

The New Year Gathering is an event at which
individuals gather at the beginning of the year to
re-examine their aspirations; and Keiko Takahashi
will provide a lecture addressing the new year.
In addition, Divine Truth cards, inscribed with
the Twelve Bodaishin prayers composed by
Keiko Takahashi, will be offered to each participant
to serve as guideposts for the new year. Many
attendees from past gatherings have expressed
that they always receive cards appropriate for
their situation at that time. The Gathering is
open to the public; non-members are welcome
to attend.
GLA is the organization in which members pursue the
Study of the Soul advocated by Keiko Takahashi, wishing for
all individuals to shine light and live in true happiness.
With the theory and concrete steps of its application provided,
everyone can draw forth their inner power of the soul or true
human force, overcome their trials and problems, to create
a new future.
January 20
January 27
Yokohama* **
Nagoya* **
(Broadcast live from Yokohama)
February 17
São Paulo (video presentation)**
February 24
Los Angeles (video presentation)*
Mirandópolis (video presentation)**
March 3
San Francisco (video presentation)*
New York (video presentation)*
Melbourne (video presentation)*
Zürich, (video presentation)*
March 10
London (video presentation)*
March 24
Atlanta (video presentation)*