Compass of the Times by Keiko Takahashi
January 2016
Compass of the Times 142
Opening Up New Doors
Keiko Takahashi
A Time of a Pure State of Chaos
Happy New Year.
How has 2016 started for you?
The year which lies in front of you is a blank canvas without a single brush stroke; it is untouched, in a pure state of Chaos.
What picture are we going to draw there? What factors of light and darkness are we to observe and how are we to draw forth light?
What decides that is the workings of our mind, Ju-Hatsu-Shiki, which indicates “perception-response-reality.” It all depends on what our heart wishes and seeks, and how our mind responds to the situations which appear one after another.
Such an influence of the heart and mind is more than what many people would imagine. The state of your mind, how you think and feel, will make a great difference in your future.
It is my sincere wish that you would engrave this year’s resolution into your mind with a new mindset.
A Time to Open New Doors
Even though we spend the first few days with fresh feelings, by the end of January, we revert back to the usual lifestyle we had in previous years. Many of you might have felt this way.
Because of that, I have a proposal. At this time when we still feel the breath of a new year, I would like for everyone to open up new doors in order to live a year filled with many possibilities. I would like you to take a new step forward so that the soul deep within you will exert powers never used before.
One way is to work on a new subject that you have never previously challenged. You could acquire new
professional skills, to draw out a new power of Ju-Hatsu-Shiki, and to nurture a new Bodaishin.
For example, you could learn a foreign language, take on the challenge of mastering IT skills, acquire a new qualification, study at a vocational school, or resume college education.
“At work, I always had a passive attitude of just responding to requests. From now on, rather than acting when demanded, I will take the initiative and develop new proposals.” Thus, you may try to become an In-En-based person at work.
Even if you continue to do the same thing, you may proceed with a completely different point of view.
“So far, I have only been concerned with results. But from now on, instead of just focusing on results, I will proceed while examining my own inner realm. I will evaluate my own process.” Or, “I have always lived with a strong will. As a result, I have had little interest in the people around me. I have been indifferent to others.
From now on, I will work while keeping in mind the feelings of others.” Such a broadening of interest could be that first step.
There is also a more direct approach or a new step to take.
For those who have not done so while studying the Study of the Soul, it is to try to work on daily practices even if it is a small one. In order to produce a new way of life, you can begin daily practices, which can be said to be the form of that lifestyle. Practices can be morning prayer, the practice of copying and instilling the words of any of the Twelve Bodasihin, or working on a Shikan Sheet a day.
I would really like you to work on it, by praying to draw out the dormant power of the soul.
Seeking the Strength That Perseveres throughout the Changing World
Currently, the world is undergoing seismic changes. We
live in a world where various conditions of reality are always changing. Peace in the neighborhood, order in society, or stability across the international community is no longer available even if we wish for them.
Precisely because the outer world is changing, we need to develop a steadfast central axis within us.
The axis is certain to be fortified as we cultivate new Bodaishin, new power of Ju-Hatsu-Shiki, and new professional skills.
Preliminary translation as of December 30, 2015
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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