Word of the Month by Keiko Takahashi

December 2015

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Living in a Time That Only Occurs Once

Keiko Takahashi

The Era of Chaos Questions Us

Since last year, Russia has forced the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and China has advanced with the construction of a military base on the Spratly Islands landfill in the South China Sea. These have greatly upset the International community. The United Nations could not take any effective measures against these two countries that ignore international law and pursue their own national interest. This decline in peace and order has caused great anxiety in the international community.

In addition, as it was mentioned in last month's issue, numerous refugees from Syria have been fleeing to Europe. The problem the EU countries face in whether to accept or reject refugees may lead to choices of great risk.

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The terrorist attack in Paris, France in the middle of last month is related to this problem. Those countries exposed to hostile forces, including the extremist group IS ("Islamic State") which is expanding in Africa and the Middle East, are under pressure to construct a new social order.

When we look at another recent event, Japan decided to participate in the TPP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) Agreement. It advocates the promotion of free trade; however, it will inevitably make a huge impact not only on Japan's specialties including automobiles and electronic equipment, but also on the agricultural sector, which has been protected up to now. This should promote new economic activities and bring about significant change to the structure of industries.

Can we not say that all of these events are callings for us to create new frameworks and rules of reality that never existed before?

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The reality that is about to appear anew in front of us is Chaos: a reality without order, which has no shape or result yet. However, depending on how we make contact with Chaos, the result will lead to a transformation of extreme light or darkness. Indeed, we, who live in the era of Chaos, are forced to confront the fact that we are walking on the rim of a volcano.

Every Moment Is a Time That Only Occurs Once

The year of 2015, which has given us a strong impression that we are now in the era of Chaos, is now its last month. I suppose many of you are feeling the relentless flow of time more than ever. How was your year of 2015?

For those who feel that it was the year when you faced an event that was at the crossroads of your life, this year will remain in your memory and its footsteps will be engraved deeply in your soul.

Whether your choice was manifested as the

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transformation of light or the transformation of darkness, it will become a new Chaos and should put you at the next crossroads of your life. Keep this in mind.

The crossroads that determine our lives certainly exist. However, within our lives, numerous crossroads that are equally critical as those that we just faced continuously appear.

On the other hand, there might be those of you who find this year to be the same as those past years without any distinctive events. The four seasons and the cycle of the year are things that repeat without cessation. However, we must keep in mind that in any life, time flows as something that will never return.

Even if it appears to be time repeated, it is a time that is born only once. What we experience is a reality that only occurs once, and it is a life that occurs only once. That is why we must face each encounter and incident by devoting our entire life to it. Whatever the situation, whatever the choice, we should respond with our best effort. Through such steps, our path of life can enter a

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because it sounds too simple.

new dimension.

To Conclude This Year

The year of 2015 is about to conclude leaving various thoughts in our minds.

To conclude this year, it is important to reflect back on what we have achieved and what we have not in our respective areas in life. It is especially important to do so, for those who created a blueprint or vision for this year or made a Wisdom1 at the beginning of the year. We are to reflect back on which aspiration was accomplished and what was engraved as remorse.

Then, think about the new year that is going to visit us, and depict your thoughts for this new year that comes around next. A cycle of a new time has already started.

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Wisdom: It is a new method developed by Keiko Takahashi for resolving problems and creating new reality.

Preliminary translation as of December 13, 2015

GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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