Word of the Month by Keiko Takahashi
August 2015
Compass of the Times 137
To Make a Choice
Keiko Takahashi
We live in the Era of Chaos
Currently the world is undergoing seismic changes as it enters the era of Chaos. What are thought to be common sense and conventional methods no longer work, and we cannot foresee the future even slightly ahead.
In this situation, our country faces an unstable economy, weak improvement of public finances, widening disparities in living standards of the rich and poor, increasing tension with neighboring countries, an unceasing outflow of technologies, amongst other troubles. Perhaps we can say that our country is at a crossroads where one wrong step will drastically change its fate.
However, it is not only countries that face this phenomenon. Being placed in a dynamically wavering
Chaos, we face realities that force each of us to make difficult decisions.
How difficult has it become to find hope in life today? Or how difficult has it become to find the purpose or meaning in life that everyone seeks, and live a vibrant life?
The younger generation especially perceives society as nothing but an already completed structure. Even if they see irrationality or inefficiencies, they believe that these cannot be changed. It seems as if there is little left for them to do.
However, nothing is actually completed. Even if the reality we face seems fixed, everything is under development. For this reason, there is meaning to why we live here.
The Era of Choice: the Path to Regain Our Initiative
“This is more important than that.”
“This should be done in that way.”
“We first need this in order to do that”
The era of Chaos is a time when such fixed courses of actions are no longer valid. It is a time when preconceived ideas no longer work, and standard tactics become powerless.
We cannot simply follow our usual ways of life or ways of doing things any more. We are then forced to make our own choices rather than following what already exists. Thus, the era of Chaos is equivalent to the era of choice.
What do you seek and how will you proceed? In order to attain your goal, what will you value, what will you protect, and what will you discard?
We must face this choice by ourselves. In a sense this is an arduous path, but on the other hand, it is the path in which we will truly regain our initiative.
When we make one choice from multiple possibilities, we face one outcome. Sometimes we may be disappointed by the outcome.
However, in this situation, we should perceive the (disappointing) reality as a new Chaos.
Then the reality of what was perceived as a fixed result will begin to move once again. The possibilities and limitations, positive factors and negative factors, which are contained within the reality, will begin to contend with each other.
How can we prevent the negative factors that will lead to pain, confusion, stagnation, and destruction from being manifested?
How can we draw out the positive factors that will produce joy, harmony, vitality, and creation? With this in mind, we proceed to make a new choice.
Be Conscious of the “Choice Not to Make a Choice”
Oftentimes choice is something that places pressure on us. Making a choice means to choose one and to not choose the rest, forsaking the remaining possibilities.
As a result, we tend to postpone decision-making, saying that “we should see how it goes” or “let’s give it a little more time.” Of course, there are times when purposely delaying the decision is part of the ideal blueprint. Sometimes it is the optimal choice at that time.
However, this does not mean that we have postponed making a choice, but we have chosen to not choose at that point. It is important to accept that you made a “choice not to make a choice” rather than “deferring the choice.”
We are in the era of choice. In order to survive this era, we must not forget that we continue to make choices at every moment.
Preliminary translation as of August 5, 2015
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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