Word of the Month by Keiko Takahashi
September 2015
Compass of the Times 138
To Regard All Realities as Chaos
Keiko Takahashi
Defying One’s Own Common Sense
“This is this.”
“When this happens, you do it this way.”
“You should choose this over that.”
“This is good, that is bad.”
Our inner common sense and sense of value consistently send such instructions to us, and they urge us to make choices in life.
In particular, the viewpoint of considering and dividing everything into good and bad controls us as if it were our instinct, more so than our common sense or sense of values. We have formed such viewpoints through our birth and upbringing based upon our sense of pleasure and pain.
However, what if we divide the reality we face into two all the time? What if we separate our life incidents into good and bad, success and failure, or valuable and worthless?
We can still live in the world this way. It may be considered a more convenient way of living.
However, if we wish to fulfill the aspirations within us no matter what happens, or if we truly wish to live in a new era, this is not the way we should be. Our purpose will never be fulfilled if we remain in “the world of common sense” which has been formed through our birth and upbringing.
It is necessary to defy our own common sense or fixed viewpoint and re-consider every reality as Chaos once again.
Begin to Consider Everything as Chaos: AChaos-Oriented Way of Thinking
Chaos is an undefined state in which no result has been produced and no shape has been given. In other words, like before the birth of the universe, it is an undefined state where nothing has emerged, but contains all possibilities.
“This is this.” “This is good and that is bad.” Without passing such judgments on things, but rather considering them as Chaos, is the attitude to perceive things presently “unknown.”
We tend to decide whether things are good or bad as quickly as possible. Some may say that they can tell whether it is an opportunity or crisis with just a glance. Even if this is the case, we should not label the situation as simply good or bad yet.
We must first perceive that in this reality of Chaos, there are buried unseen possibilities that are waiting to be drawn out by us.
It may be an unexpected chance, a valuable human
resource, a system for success, or a new human relationship. It may be a vision (purpose) that has never before been in our sight.
To Live through Chaos, Which Is One with Our Heart
There is a phenomenon called the “observer effect.” When we try to observe something, it is difficult to keep the object in an objective and fixed condition, as the observer influences the object in some way. For example, when a survey is conducted on a village, there is no other way but to interact with the villagers, inevitably influencing their consciousness and behavior.
The reality that we face named Chaos is in fact interlocked to the way we are and is even beyond comparison to that of the observer effect. Depending on our heart, Chaos completely changes its appearance.
If we have an indifferent mindset, Chaos appears merely as an inorganic mass of stone, no matter how much
potential it may have. Conversely, if we contact Chaos with greed, it only appears to us as a convenient treasure, no matter how much risk the situation may have.
If we touch Chaos with a negative mindset in which we immediately complain how impossible things are, a fertile land where brilliant chances lie unexplored only appears as one barren and sterile.
In order to perceive the core truth of Chaos, we need to overcome the heart that oscillates between pleasure and pain, and the mind which only considers matters superficially at the level of impression.
When each of us becomes aware of what we truly value, and can touch Chaos with our true heart that is aligned with our aspiration, Chaos reveals to us the future that lies within it.
Preliminary translation as of September7, 2015
GLA member-volunteers translated Takahashi Sensei’s words.
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