Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

Every week, Keiko Takahashi travels to different places throughout Japan, and gives lectures and provides guidance for GLA members as well as professionals in the various fields of management, medicine or education. Each month we will introduce one invaluable essay arising from these encounters.


August 7, 2014: Summer Special Memorial Service in Tokyo

Each of you calling out to your deceased family members or friends with an open heart for this special memorial service is the most precious thing you can do for their souls. <read more>

August 2, 2014: 2014 Kakehashi Seminar

You have just witnessed the amazing transformational skills and abilities of these animals and insects.

Amazing, aren’t they? We now understand that animals have amazing abilities. <read more>

July 21, 2014: The Third NexStage Series Seminar

IOn several recent occasions, I have talked about the 20th century; a century of development which we have lived through, as an “Era of expansion.”

However, at the same time, the 20th century had another side to it. What do you think it was? It was the “Era of hollowing-out.” Cycle II, Development of the World, solved the problems of the world one after another and changed this earth that we live in into an affluent place. The freeway is one example, and it led to the creation of one thing after another. <read more>

July 13, 2014: Seinen-Youth Training Project

It was the same for the Japanese soccer players during this year’s FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Even when they did their best, the “Law of Disintegration” worked in many forms.

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