Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

March 1, 2014: New Year Gathering in Early Spring

The first line part is “trials are callings” and the latter line part is “I will change (myself).” However, unfortunately, it is difficult at times for us to understand how we are to change ourselves.

This is in fact where the Twelve Bodaishin comes in. I would like you to think that the Twelve Bodaishin represent the wisdom of human beings, the breath of God, and the way of nature. They represent twelve ways for human beings to change or transform themselves.

Today I will be distributing these Divine Truth Cards to you. Please take a look at this one. It is inscribed with the words, heart like the sun. The Bodaishin of a heart like the sun is the Bodaishin of a heart of love. 

The sun provides the energy of light and heat to all living things on this earth universally. The sun is not concerned with storing its own reserves when giving out its energy. It pours forth its energy without limit to give all a chance to live. This is unconditional love.

How would you feel if you received this card of a heart like the sun? You may think that you are already a person with a capacity to love. However, this card points out that if you spread even more energy of love and thoughtfulness to others around you, there are people who would feel more energetic or develop a sense of worth for living for something. In doing so, you will have “transformed” yourself into the Bodaishin of a heart like the sun.

Please take a look at this. It is the Bodaishin of the heart like a mountain. I would like you to think of the Bodaishin of the heart like a mountain as the symbol of a heart or mind that never wavers.

There is a phrase (in Japanese), cocoro corocoro, which describes a state of mind that often changes. When things go well, we feel good and become elated. In contrast, when we face trials and experience suffering, we tend to think, “it is all over” to the point that we even want to give up living. In this way, the state of our hearts is one that repeatedly swings from high to low. Because of this, we should discern “what is important” and adopt an attitude of not wavering like that of a mountain which does not waver. We are to “transform” the heart into one that is unwavering.

Furthermore, please look at this; it indicates ears of rice. It is the Bodaishin of a heart like ears of rice. If you think about it, we are able to work and be energetic because others have given us their support and encouragement to do so. We easily forget this when we are full of vigor and energy. At that time, if we are able to think, “I am here, because my family, colleagues, and community have given me encouragement and the chance to live. I want to give something back to them,” then you will have “transformed” your heart into a “heart of gratitude.”

What kind of year will 2014 be for you? I hope that this year will become for you one in which large problems become reduced to small ones and one that will shine based on your discovery of your life work. With this, I would like to begin distributing the Divine Truth Cards to everyone.

March 1, 2014: New Year Gathering in Early Spring at GLA General Headquarters Building

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