Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

May 5, 2014: 2014 Youth Seminar (3rd day)

Last night, I spoke about the Mission of Human Beings. I showed you what it means to walk the path of responding to the Mission of Human Beings.

All of us are born into this world to walk this path, and whether we like it or not, it is inevitable for these negative realities to occur, as shown on the screen. At that time, would we merely stand still in silence in the face of that negative reality? Or would we take it on to create a new future? In order to do this, we need wisdom and an enlightened state of heart. I talked to you about the path to do this last night.

In your life to come, what kind of powers will you cultivate within you, and in what kind of places and with whom will you walk this path of the Mission of Human Beings? I truly feel that is a future to look forward to, a promising future.

Now, I believe that some of you have specific visions of your future while others are earnestly seeking them. In the preceding programs of this seminar, some of your senior members’ lives were presented in the form of a symposium, and you learned how they have been walking the path of fulfilling the Mission of Human Beings.

I do not think that ten or twenty years ago, any of them were able to imagine their future in the next ten, twenty years to come. They shared with you how they discovered their missions in life and how they now live their lives to fulfill it.

First, these senior members were inspired about their future through this Youth School. Then, they all began to create their lives from there.

In this seminar, each of you have received some inspirations within you such as, “I have these feelings inside of me,” “I have this aspiration within me,” “This is the kind of life I want to live.” More than anything I want you to cherish these inspirations and convictions.

May 5, 2014: 2014 Youth Seminar at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato (3rd day)

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