Compass of the Times
In response to each individual’s wish to pursue more of the Study of the Soul, Takahashi Sensei provides us with Words of the Month and Compass of the Times each month, which, interrelated to each other, serve not only as clues for our studies and practice, but also as monthly guidelines for living our lives.
December 2018 Compass of the Times 177
To Pray
To be Grateful for Each Day of This YearWe have only a month left until the end of 2018.
November 2018 Compass of the Times 176
Produce an Output
Inseparable Pairs of Concepts that Support Human Development and EvolutionThe Study of the Soul1 has an aspect that represents the exploration of the potential of human beings. How can the inner potential of human beings be released?
October 2018 Compass of the Times 175
To Bear Fruits
Four Seasons of JapanJapan is in a temperate climate zone and has four seasons that display an abundance of colorful changes throughout the year.
September 2018 Compass of the Times 174
To Be Connected with the World
We Are One with SituationsAs we did last month, I would like again to think about the perspective of Chaos.
August 2018 Compass of the Times 173
In Search of the Future
The Customary Way of LivingThe typical way of living, which we human beings acquire when we are born and raised, is the way of living based on labeling and dividing things into good or bad.
July 2018 Compass of the Times 172
To the Other Side of the Door
To the Other Side of the Door:A Way of Life Guided by the Study of the Soul
It is of great significance to us to pursue and become familiar with the Study of the Soul*1. This leads our lives away from the materialistic inclinations of the modern world and allows us to instead sustain our proper balance.
June 2018 Compass of the Times 171
To Walk the Royal Road
What Will Be Given To Us (from the Study of the Soul)?GLA holds three Age-Based Seminars1 from May to June, in which members have three days of learning experiences nationwide, centering on the Yatsugatake venue.
May 2018 Compass of the Times 170
To Move Forward
There Is No Limit to Inner DevelopmentMay is a month with refreshing breezes. In spring, lives that have been quiet during winter begin their activities and release their power all at once. It is a season of life that manifests in explosive development. I hope that you are also experiencing a “life that is developing” when surrounded by fresh young greenery.
April 2018 Compass of the Times 169
To the Reinstatement
of the Spirituality
The Place Where We Stand
Every April, GLA celebrates its anniversary. It is the time of a year when we confirm where we stand at present and the direction in which we plan to head. This month, we would like to focus on these issues.
March 2018 Compass of the Times 168
To Continue
The Power to Take Over: Stairway TheoryA human ability that distinguishes us from other animals is the power to take over the steps of our past and proceed to the next stage of life.
February 2018 Compass of the Times 167
Envisioning Metsu
What is Metsu?The word Metsu means cessation in Buddhist terms and often appears in conversations among those who study and practice the Study of the Soul. For instance it might be said “It is important to start things from having Metsu.” or “Aren’t you forgetting to envision Metsu?”
January 2018 Compass of the Times 166
To Walk with the Invisible
This Year, Which Door Do You Push Open Anew?Happy new year.
The beginning of a new year will always come around each year without fail. It is natural and it is a matter of course that the end of the year comes and a new year begins as time passes by. Despite such repetition, the beginning of the year continues to provide us with a sense of new opening and presage.