Compass of the Times
Sailing uncharted waters of this era, we earnestly aspire to pave a path by applying the insights from the Study of the Soul to human beings and the world. Keiko Takahashi shows us the path to take by illuminating the past, present, and the future.
In response to each individual’s wish to pursue more of the Study of the Soul, Takahashi Sensei provides us with Words of the Month and Compass of the Times each month, which, interrelated to each other, serve not only as clues for our studies and practice, but also as monthly guidelines for living our lives.
In response to each individual’s wish to pursue more of the Study of the Soul, Takahashi Sensei provides us with Words of the Month and Compass of the Times each month, which, interrelated to each other, serve not only as clues for our studies and practice, but also as monthly guidelines for living our lives.
December 2015 Compass of the Times 141
Living in a Time That Only Occurs Once
The Era of Chaos Questions UsA season of contemplation has arrived. It is a time that invites us to shift the eyes of our hearts from the outside to the inside. While considering that invitation, I would like you to think this month about your "self-image."
November 2015 Compass of the Times 140
Induce Differentiation into Light and Darkness
Extreme Light and Darkness Exist within Human BeingsOne of the core truths in the Study of the Soul1 is the Inner-Outer Exchange of Energy. It means that what is inside of us as human beings will always manifest itself outside, and what is outside of us will always influence our mind within us. Thus, our inner and outer realms are constantly exchanging energy."
October 2015 Compass of the Times 139
Draw Out Your Potential Powers
You Are Not All about Your Self-ImageA season of contemplation has arrived. It is a time that invites us to shift the eyes of our hearts from the outside to the inside. While considering that invitation, I would like you to think this month about your "self-image."
September 2015 Compass of the Times 138
To Regard All Realities asChaos
Defying One’s Own Common SenseBegin to Consider Everything as Chaos: A Chaos-Oriented
Way of Thinking
To Live through Chaos, Which Is One with Our Heart
“This is this.”
“When this happens, you do it this way.”
“You should choose this over that.”
“This is good, that is bad.”
“When this happens, you do it this way.”
“You should choose this over that.”
“This is good, that is bad.”
August 2015 Compass of the Times 137
To Make a Choice
We live in the Era of ChaosThe Era of Choice: the Path to Regain Our Initiative
Be Conscious of the “Choice Not to Make a Choice”
Currently the world is undergoing seismic changes as it enters the era of Chaos. What are thought to be common sense and conventional methods no longer work, and we cannot foresee the future even slightly ahead.
July 2015 Compass of the Times 136
To Live Truthfully
To Be YourselfTo Keep What Is Important and Live the True Heart
To Live Truthfully
The season of summer has returned again. The rays of the sun shine brightly, bringing into relief the contours of buildings, signs, trees, and other numerous things.
June 2015 Compass of the Times 135
Seek the True Heart
Our Daily Lives Responding to the External WorldThe flow of time becomes faster and faster. Many who live in our modern society sense this vaguely. We live busy and complicated lives; those who live in big cities feel the hustle even more sharply.
May 2015 Compass of the Times 134
To Walk on One’s Own Feet
You Cannot Know Unless You Walk ThereMay is the month when the green of the land returns. When we soak ourselves in that freshness, we cannot help but feel the power of that which is born and grows anew.
April 2015Compass of the Times 133
Interactions Based on the Divine Truth
Proceeding in Life as a Good Friend (Zenyu)Every April when the Good Friend (Zenyu) Gathering is held, we take time to reflect on the way we live as GLA members, recalling the spirit of the Good Friend.
March 2015 Compass of the Times 132
To Let Our Soul Shine
Season of VitalityWe still feel the raw extremes of very chilly days and the cold continues in the North and the mountain ranges; but at the same time we begin to feel signs of spring emerging from the long-lasting winter.
February 2015Compass of the Times 131
To Grow
Humans Are Beings That GrowAfter a month into the new year, you may have settled down and regained your usual composure.
January 2015 Compass of the Times 130
Discovering the Theme
To Walk on One’s Own FeetHappy New Year! In greeting the new year of 2015, with what new year’s resolution are you beginning your steps for this year?