Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

April 7, 2013: Zenyu (Good Friend) Gathering

Will our pursuits based on a pleasure principle ultimately enable us to eliminate a dimension of troubles from our world? Can we truly reduce the amount of troubles in our world to nothing if we attack the pains and suffering in the world with the spears and shields of scientific technology based on the pleasure principle?

I believe that the 20th century epitomized an era of mankind’s experimentation with “ambition” in attempts to answer this question; and that mankind has obtained the answer over the course of the last one hundred years. The conclusion derived therein is the fact that endeavors based on the pleasure principle inevitably lead to a diversity of contradiction and paradox. I believe that mankind is now in need of an alternative theory or philosophy – a new science in place of one based on a pleasure principle:

What is needed is a perspective to view
Nature and humankind
Matter and life
Not as discrete entities,
But as intimately illuminating each other.

What is important is a way of living in which
Past and future
Outer and inner worlds
Are seen not as separate entities,
But as exact reflections of each other.

Discover that they have identical importance
Identical value
Identical strength
Identical existences,
By maintaining an unchanging axis of symmetry.

The world is seeking
A philosophy to live in the future
Concepts to build a new age.

What are your thoughts in relation to living in a new era? What are we to discover and to discard in relation to the results of our grand experiment?

Now is the time for mankind to awaken. Now is the time that we must not yield to the pleasure principle stemming from the physical body, but instead, to live by guiding forth eternity, bonds, reverence that reside in the soul. The philosophy that we need to live with in our world is the soul-centered principle.


Zenyu (Good Friend) Gathering held in Pacifico Yokohama on April 7, 2013

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