Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

October 20, 2013: Lecture by Keiko Takahashi
(Century Hall Nagoya Congress Center)

Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome here today.
Unfortunately, here in Nagoya it is raining and the Saneiketsu (three heroes) of the Nagoya Festival may be feeling downhearted by this weather. Today's lecture will be broadcast from here in Nagoya to Sapporo up in Hokkaido, Morioka in Tohoku and all the way down to Miyazaki in Kyushu. I am honored that all of you were able to attend, regardless of the weather in these areas.

Now everyone, the host country for the Olympics has been decided. Together with this, we face ongoing problems such as how deflation will be resolved and the issue of TPP. . . .  The world is unstable. In this unstable state of Japan, each day I feel more and more the importance of the influence that each individual holds and the strength that each person has.

What kind of power should each of us have? Together, let us embark on the search for that key, today.

Lecture by Keiko Takahashi at Century Hall Nagoya Congress Center on October 20, 2013

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