Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

May 4, 2013: 2013 Youths' Seminar (GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato)

You understand that there is an enormous flow of energy in the universe, which is symbolized in the five elements: in the earth, water, fire, wind, and sky. The same can be said about our minds. The energy not only exists in the universe and in nature, in the form of earth, water, fire, wind and the sky, but also in our consciousness, in the mind. And we can discover clues that help us solve our problems by applying this energy in our minds to problems that we face by applying the idea, I realize this is a difficult and arduous task, but this is something that I truly need to accomplish.

This power in your mind will enable you to connect and become one with your problems in reality, to help you find clues and supporting factors for solving problems.

Further, beyond uniting your mind with your problem, when you unite energy that comes deep from within your soul with your problem, then you will begin to identify and to fulfill your mission-work*. You will come to find the answers to the following questions:
Why have I been involved in this work?
What is it that I have to accomplish through this work?
I was born to do this work.

By uniting ourselves (subject) with reality (object), we can become aware of the reason why we were born in the world and discover our mission-work and solve the problems we face.
This means that a path is open and available to everyone here.
When you focus on walking the path to fulfilling your mission-work by unifying your self (subject) with reality (object), the energy in the human mind and the soul – the same energy as that of the earth, water, fire, wind, sky – will unite into a single energy; and then the reason why you were born into this world will become evident in your life and through the work that you do.

*Note: mission-work is the work through which to fulfill your mission.



Youths’ Seminar on May 4, 2013 at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato auditorium

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