Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

June 29, 2013: 2013 Frontier College and Heart Nursing School Joint Seminar
(auditorium at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato)

On the other hand, those who assume the position of Subject of their In-En-Kahoh* stand on the side of creating and circulating the In-En-Kahoh of their own initiative. However, the Kahoh-Based Human Beings that I just mentioned are recipients.

In light of this, what does it mean to be a Kahoh-Based Human Being? The Kahoh-Based Human Being, who wishes to be carried to the dimension of results, is in a state of happiness in receiving.  The person in a state of happiness in receiving wishes to be carried into this other side of results. They want others to solve their problems that are of discomfort and to be “taken” to a dimension of results where they can attain pleasure and feel full of life; and, therefore, feel happiness in receiving.

In contrast, In-En Based Human Beings create happiness through giving. The difference between happiness in receiving and happiness in giving seems to lie in the difference of states of being.

Therefore, I would like to convey to you this point: human beings are divided into two kinds of people, corresponding to the state of their soul – the In-En-Based Human Being and the Kahoh-Based Human Being.

Based on this perspective, can you not see this division in category of people with whom you are involved; people in your family, work place, community, and other groups? I cannot help but feel this division into these two types.

There are those who are based in the In-En side who initiate In-En-Kahoh and those who dwell in the side of the Kahoh and simply receive the blessings of the power of In-En-Kahoh. Depending on which side you are based, the way you see, think, and behave will differ accordingly.

The scenery you perceive will be different in accordance with whether you are an In-En-Based Human Being or Kahoh-Based Human Being. Moreover, the voice you hear will also differ. 


*In-En-Kahoh is an important concept of the Study of the Soul and represents the law of energy, in which every Kahoh (result, effect) is produced by In (inner cause) and En (environmental conditions). For more information, read Discovery of the Soul by Keiko Takahashi.


2013 Joint seminar on June 29, 2013 at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato auditorium

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