Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

July 7, 2013: 68th Missionary Members Cultivation Series
(Prayer Hall in the General Headquarters Building)

In most cases, many people suppose that a person’s status or role within a group determines whether he or she is identified as an In-En (inner cause and environmental conditions) or Kahoh (results) based type*. For example, you may assume that people assigned with responsibility or leadership roles are identified as In-En types. Taking a company as an example, one may instinctively assume that the company president is an In-En type.

However, role and status in and of themselves are identified as being in the realm of In-En and assuming that a person’s mentality is also of an “In-En-based Human Being” type are completely different matters. That is because it is possible for someone with the status of company president to possess the consciousness of an ordinary employee. This circumstance occurs often in reality.

Even if one’s role is identified as being on the side of In-En, this does not necessarily guarantee that one is initiating In-En. Unless you try to create In-En, In-En-Kahoh will not circulate. Role and status alone will not set In-En-Kahoh in motion. People who are “In-En-Based Human Beings” understand this very well.

On the other hand, imagine what happens when a “Kahoh-Based Human Being” stands on the side of In-En because of his or her status?

When “Kahoh-Based Human Beings” stand on the In-En side, they adopt an illusion that they are the ones responsible for circulating In-En-Kahoh. Moreover, they think that they are given the role of setting In-En in motion and, therefore, misinterpret the role of others around them as necessary for setting conditions that are conducive for them to circulate In-En.


*In-En-Kahoh is an important concept of the Study of the Soul and represents the law of energy, in which every Kahoh (result, effect) is produced by In (inner cause) and En (environmental conditions). For more information, see Discovery of the Soul by Keiko Takahashi.

68th Missionary Members Cultivation Series on July 7, 2013
Prayer Hall in the General Headquarters Building

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