Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

July 14, 2013: Seinen-Youth Training Project 
(auditorium at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato)

At the Seinen-Youth Seminar in May, I introduced two themes of practice in advance of your summer training session to help you “discover your mission-work.”

The first theme of practice was to “train the fundamental strength of mind, or Ju-Hatsu-Shiki (perception-response-result).”
The second theme of practice was to “search for our mission-work”. We aspired to focus primarily on these two themes during this period.

For those of you who are employed and busy working everyday throughout the year, you have come here expending your limited holiday time seeking to fulfill these two themes. Those of you who are students may have been invited by your friends to go out or to travel. However, this summer, you aspired to make this theme your own and have come here to take on this challenge.

This means that each of you who have gathered here has made that choice. That being the case, I will also devote all of my energy to my lecture that I am presenting to you now.

Today, I will be speaking on what kind of youth the era is summoning, how the era and the world are calling out to us. I have heard the calling from the world on your behalf and wish to convey the message of this voiceless voice to all of you.

Seinen- Youth Training Project on July 14, at GLA Yatsugatake Inochi-no-Sato

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