Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

January, 1, 2014: Gathering in Prayer for the New Year
(Broadcast to 8 locations nationwide from the Prayer Hall in the General Headquarters Building)

All people are created equal and are irreplaceably precious. This is a perspective that is deeply rooted in GLA. It is the DNA of GLA.
All people are created equal. This also represents the spirit of democracy. I believe that the principles of democracy have played an important role in consideration of the development of the inner realm of the human being in the 20th century. However, I feel that democracy was born from an even farther reaching place of origin of the human being, the ultimate doctrine of the soul.

The “Doctrine of the Soul” is based on “perceiving the individual as a soul.” What does it mean to “perceive an individual as a soul?” It means that your perception is not influenced by gender; or by their upbringing, physical or intellectual capabilities; or by their possessions or lineage. You are not influenced by any of these things.

As you take away the conditions of people, one by one, the last thing that remains is the essence of that very person, the soul. That is what the soul is.

The idea of a “Doctrine of the Soul” may not sound familiar to you. Therefore, people may think, “What is the doctrine of the soul?” However, “doctrine of the soul” is equal to the “doctrine of the essence of that person” which is what remains when you take everything away from that person.

At the base of GLA’s DNA, that “all people are created equal,” lies the “doctrine of the soul.” At GLA, everyone is equal. We cherish each member and we continually seek to do our best with sincerity and effort so that each person can awaken.

           Gathering of Prayer for the New Year from the Prayer Hall in the General Headquarters on January 1, 2014
