Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

March 23, 2014: Second Lecture of the Third NexStage Series Seminar

Throughout history, mankind has repeatedly faced various forms of hardship that were unique to each era. Nevertheless, a group of people emerged in those moments with a mission, found solutions to problems, formed paths, and led the era to a new stage; such people existed in those respective times.

In observing the course of history, it is as if an era summons people who are necessary to appear, grants them wisdom, provides them maps, which lead to steer the course of mankind. Furthermore, when a problem appears on a scale that can adversely affect the entire human race, does it not feel as if the era fills the world with a magnetic force that draws the attention of people worldwide to that problem; as if it invokes a mood of change in people worldwide and blows winds that stem from a new era? This is how I see things to be.

The invisible atmosphere that veils an era, the great force that advances it – this is what I call the “Great Impulse of the Era.” Do you not now feel this Great Impulse of the Era at work beneath our very feet?

As I discussed at the beginning, mankind brought about an era of expansion by rotating Cycle II – the cycle of “World Development.” On the other hand, however, rotating a Cycle II that is without principles has created various side effects in the world. Environmental destruction and the radiation leaks from the nuclear power plants can be considered as exemplary cases. If we attempted to count them, we would find an endless amount of adverse side effects that have been produced.

If you truly listened with diligence to the state of the world, you would hear the calling for us to activate Cycle I – the cycle of “Exploration of the Inner Realm.”  This is what I sense the Great Impulse of the Era is calling us to activate. I feel that we need to summon it in the era we live in by activating Cycle I.

First and foremost, it is important for each of us who has participated here today to respond to the Great Impulse of the Era by activating Cycle I inside of us. May each individual who forms the mission network fulfill their roles in the future and radiate light. It is with this hope that I conclude this lecture today.

March 23, 2014: Second Lecture of the Third NexStage Series Seminar at Tokyo Prince Hotel

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