Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

May 18, 2014: The Second Lecture of the 21st Global GENESIS Project

We find ourselves having to take on various trials in our lives. In such a situation, we try to open up a path to a new self with the mindset of Trials are callings and I will change myself. Many times, Mr. Yoshikawa (from the practice report) experienced days which were like hell. However, even then, he continued to proceed by taking them on by accepting that Trials are callings and I will change myself. Then one day, he could certainly recall his wish, soul’s aspiration that he had within himself. The same could happen to us.


Aspirations such as “I was born into this world with this aspiration,” or “I want to accomplish my life work through this aspiration,” exist within everyone.

Let us bring out those aspirations, grasp our 108 Bonno (heart of darkness), and together create a new future of our own, our families, companies, schools, hospitals, and local areas with I will change myself

May 18, 2014: The Second Lecture of the 21st Global GENESIS Project at Amagasaki Archaic Hall (Broadcast to 47 venues)

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