Excerpts from Recent Lectures and Guidance

April 12, 2015: Zenyu Gathering

Our life has both good and bad times, resembling the Japanese saying, “Good and bad periods of life come following one after another.” Experiencing pain and pleasure, uphill and downhill, fortune and misfortune, we are like a small boat thrown onto the sea, tossed about in the storm of life.

Without knowing what to do and where to head, we are adrift, carrying behind the incidents we encounter.

How do you feel at times like this? You may think, “I’m always unlucky”, “What should I do?” “How can I cope in this situation?” When we are in such state, our life is carried off by raging waves.

However, the incidents and events we encounter do not appear randomly or coincidentally. There is a reason why something had to occur. When we examine the various incidents in our lives, there is always a cause. In order for the incident to appear as a result, there is a cause. But we do not know where we can find the cause.

If we are able to understand the “mystery of the world” behind the incidents that occur in our life moment by moment; come to know of the “law of cause and effect” that governs our lives; and create our lives in accordance with this law and as willed by the universe, our lives would change dramatically.

There is something that governs our life, and that is the law of cause and effect.

We call what produces the cause and result that we have just seen, the Law of Causality of the Soul.

2015 Zenyu Gathering held on April 12th at Pacifico Yokohama
(broadcast live to 28 venues throughout Japan)

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